Film-makers are responsible for Morgellons disease

Released on: October 12, 2008, 3:41 pm

Press Release Author: Debbe

Industry: Biotech

Press Release Summary: "So Evil" film-makers are responsible for Morgellons disease
in a personal attack on the "Virgin Mother", with microscopic radio receivers in
thousands of ears, even at Wimbledon 2008.

Press Release Body: South Africa --

Film-makers on the "So Evil" film crew are responsible for the dreaded Morgellons
plague that has been sweeping the world. They apparently belonged to the grandfather
of one of the film makers, who had served in the war in North Korea round about
1970/2; originally designed to find soldiers in the dense jungle. Tracking hairs
were then internationally banned. In a bizarre technology incorporating ear signals
no larger than a pinhead, bean-shaped remote-control relays, and fibers which look
exactly like human hair, the "So Evil" film makers are responsible for the world's
first remote-control disease as they have been selling these fibers on the internet
in branches in a multitude of dusty colours. Billions of "hairs" of varying lengths
peel off one branch.
"So Evil", formerly aired on the Discovery Channel, was a personal attack on the
"Virgin Mother". Ear signals have been inserted in the unsuspecting ears of
thousands of South Africans, trespassing on their sanity with blasphemous
hate-speech. The "Virgin Mother" has been remote-control terrorized, witch-hunted
across the country, her face and body ravaged by these fibers; some which cause
wrinkles, others which swell and fatten. The fibers' outer casing is made up of
high density polyethylene fiber (HDPE). The fiber material is used commonly in the
manufacture of fiber optics. Radio-frequency high-frequency induction current is
apparently used to drive the hair-like fibers around the body. This technology was
probably invented as a major breakthrough in medical science with innumerable uses;
to fix holes in hearts and lungs, clear blocked arteries, move umbilical cords
without surgery; but it got into the wrong hands. The filming took a bizarre turn
when Satanists planting weeds in the "Virgin Mother's" garden offered to film her
life story for the Discovery Channel. They twisted and misconstrued everything she
said, fabricating their own "Virgin Mother", using an actress with her distorted
snarling fibered face superimposed. Her story and photographs of these fibres can
be found on her website

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Contact Details: Box 22537
Fish Hoek
Cape Town
South Africa

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